Hertfordshire County Ploughing Match and Hedgelaying
Competitors from the districts who win either 1st or 2nd prize in their class will automatically be allowed to enter the county match. If you would like to enter then please speak to your district who will pass on your entry.
Enter the County Match
Please use this form to enter the county ploughing match.
The Rules
All plough person’s must observe safe working practices
General Purpose and Semi-Diggers
Maximum length of mould boards – furrow width up to 25cm-90cm mould board; furrow
Width over 25cm any length of mould boards.
3 hours to complete the work after openings have been judged. Competitors exceeding the
Time limit will be penalised by a deduction of marks.
No assistance may be accepted except for setting up sighting poles. Competitors, judges and
Stewards only are allowed on the land.
Rolling of opening furrows is not permitted.
All land must be ploughed.
After setting the ridge: 2 furrow ploughs will gather 3 rounds and then throw out.
Multi and 3 furrow ploughs gather 2 rounds and then throw out.
Ploughing depth – to be announced on the field.
On no account must any plough body be removed, or lifted out of its work.
All plough bodies must be ploughing full depth at point of headland furrow.
Mould furrow may be turned either way.
One Ways Ploughs
3 hours to complete the work after openings have been judged. Competitors exceeding the time
Limit will be penalised by a deduction of marks.
No assistance may be accepted except for setting up sighting poles. Competitors, judges and
Stewards only are allowed on the land.
An opening split shall be made at the start. A single furrow shall be turned in the opposite
Direction and all the land must be ploughed as directed by the steward.
Ploughing depth – to be announced on the field.
All plough bodies must be ploughing full depth at point of headland furro
On no account must any plough body be removed before work is completed.
Any competitor accepting assistance (unless duly authorised by the Judges or Stewards in
Special circumstances) will be disqualified.
All competitors must line up in the field by 9.00am to receive their instructions and draw
Their tickets for places.
Work must not be started, however, until the signal has been given by the stewards.
Time limits for ploughing:
To be allowed 3 hours after the opening have been judged. They can complete the final run if it has started. 5 points will be deducted if this time is exceeded and work to stop after 3¼ hours.
The Steward is to be responsible for timing.
If the adjacent plough person to a competitor has a bent opening a plough person is to be allowed 2 works to straighten without penalty
Assistance may be given to Youths in the Ploughing Classes but only from the headlands.
Special Notice:
Competitors, Judges and Stewards only are allowed on the land whilst work is in progress.
All plough person’s must observe safe working practices
General Purpose and Semi-Diggers
Maximum length of mould boards – furrow width up to 25cm-90cm mould board; furrow
Width over 25cm any length of mould boards.
3 hours to complete the work after openings have been judged. Competitors exceeding the
Time limit will be penalised by a deduction of marks.
No assistance may be accepted except for setting up sighting poles. Competitors, judges and
Stewards only are allowed on the land.
Rolling of opening furrows is not permitted.
All land must be ploughed.
After setting the ridge: 2 furrow ploughs will gather 3 rounds and then throw out.
Multi and 3 furrow ploughs gather 2 rounds and then throw out.
Ploughing depth – to be announced on the field.
On no account must any plough body be removed, or lifted out of its work.
All plough bodies must be ploughing full depth at point of headland furrow.
Mould furrow may be turned either way.
One Ways Ploughs
3 hours to complete the work after openings have been judged. Competitors exceeding the time
Limit will be penalised by a deduction of marks.
No assistance may be accepted except for setting up sighting poles. Competitors, judges and
Stewards only are allowed on the land.
An opening split shall be made at the start. A single furrow shall be turned in the opposite
Direction and all the land must be ploughed as directed by the steward.
Ploughing depth – to be announced on the field.
All plough bodies must be ploughing full depth at point of headland furro
On no account must any plough body be removed before work is completed.
Any competitor accepting assistance (unless duly authorised by the Judges or Stewards in
Special circumstances) will be disqualified.
All competitors must line up in the field by 9.00am to receive their instructions and draw
Their tickets for places.
Work must not be started, however, until the signal has been given by the stewards.
Time limits for ploughing:
To be allowed 3 hours after the opening have been judged. They can complete the final run if it has started. 5 points will be deducted if this time is exceeded and work to stop after 3¼ hours.
The Steward is to be responsible for timing.
If the adjacent plough person to a competitor has a bent opening a plough person is to be allowed 2 works to straighten without penalty
Assistance may be given to Youths in the Ploughing Classes but only from the headlands.
Special Notice:
Competitors, Judges and Stewards only are allowed on the land whilst work is in progress.